Twin Oaks Technologies is a manufacturer of boutique compliance management software solutions. Our goal is to provide easy access to information to improve patient outcomes, policy compliance, and financial initiatives.
Twin Oaks Technologies is a manufacturer of boutique compliance management software solutions. Our goal is to provide easy access to information to improve patient outcomes, policy compliance, and financial initiatives.
LinQvue iQ®
Hospital-Acquired Conditions (HACs), in particular patient falls, continue to challenge healthcare facilities of all sizes and types.
LinQvue iQ®, Twin Oaks Technologies’ new data-driven patient exit alert and reporting solution, can help acute care facilities reduce bed, chair, and toilet (BCT) exit falls.
Acute care facilities can move to the next generation of smart fall-prevention technology. LinQvue iQ® is an affordable, robust and agile Exit Alert and HAC Policy Compliance System.
LinQvue iQ® provides intelligent patient exit alerts, while its on-board memory and easy to read iQ Reports™ allow administrators to measure staff compliance with their facility’s fall prevention protocols.
The data can be downloaded from the LinQvue iQ® monitor, and converted into an easy-to-read iQ ReportTM.
The iQ ReportsTM include all activities registered by the monitor: Chair and bed pads being connected or disconnected, settings changes, pad exit alarms.
The iQ ReportsTM can also show a timeline report, indicating usage over a period of time.
The Longest Alerts report can help administrators gauge how well floor staff are adhering to facility protocols for patient care.